Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New sewing project: my first quilt!

I'm working on a quilt for my darling niece. She's going to be one in April. It's an ambitious project - especially considering I've NEVER done a quilt before. I don't even know the first thing about quilting! I'm just following Amy Karol's book so far. Here's what I've got...

[caption id="attachment_361" align="aligncenter" width="234" caption="Taken from this book (must give credit due to copyrights)"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_403" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="This is picture of what the finished quilt is supposed to look like (from her pattern)"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_404" align="aligncenter" width="442" caption="a close up of my fabrics"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_408" align="aligncenter" width="524" caption="the cut strips before I lay on the green accents"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_410" align="aligncenter" width="491" caption="view of the quilt top (prior to sewing)"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_409" align="aligncenter" width="524" caption="an artsy close-up :)"][/caption]

more to come as I work on this project...what do you all think of it so far? I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out! Hopefully it's a success!


  1. Wow, a quilt! It looks great! I love the colors you picked out. I'm really impressed! :-)

  2. it looks like it's going to be amazing! i love the colors and the fabric...ohh, exciting!

  3. Thanks! I hope it turns out well! I'm totally in love with the fabrics too. I love the old reproductions! 3 of the 5 fabrics I'm using are reproductions from the 1800's! I think I'm going to want to keep this when it's done. I'll have to go back and get more fabric to make myself one :)
