Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm famous!

Ok, not really :) But one can dream, right? I actually did have my grey dresser re-do featured on another blog though! And she has a TON (as in thousands) of followers, so it was a great way to get some exposure! I was so excited to see it on there for Furniture Feature Friday. Check it out right here. Check out her other stuff too! She's pretty amazing!

I'm back from our ocean camping trip and it was amazing. The weather was beautiful and the sunsets were breathtaking. I love the west coast. Here are a couple good pictures I got while we were down there.

Packing and moving continues...I'll be better about posting once it's all done and we're all settled!

Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach

Sunset on Del Ray beach (Seaside, OR)

Just the boy and I :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Projects update

Ok, so you know that hutch I mentioned last post? I decided to nix it. I’m reselling it as-is. It’s a bigger project than I realized, and I have to have it done before we move next week (which won’t happen). I will be refinishing a kitchen table and turning it into a desk though next week (also has to be done before our move!), so stay tuned for that. I’ll be hunting for another hutch soon, but I need to get settled and situated first. Plus, we’ll be adding a new addition to our family (a dog!), and we need to get him arranged and comfortable before I start spending my time on another project. I’ll just have to make due temporarily with what we have, but that’s ok! You do what you have to do, right? :)

I’ll be gone on the Oregon coast camping with my in-laws for the rest of the week and weekend, so I won’t be able to post again until next week. Happy Tuesday!

Friday, August 6, 2010

New place!

Here are a few pictures of our (empty) new place...we'll start moving in the next couple of weeks. I'm so excited to make this home! I love all the fun architectural details of the place (it was built in 1947). You can see the great window moldings (inside) and archways in my pictures below...

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I know I've been a little um...not around lately. You'll have to excuse me...lots going on with the Hansen clan. We're moving in 2 weeks, and we'll be gone camping for 5 days next week, so I have a lot of packing and organizing/decluttering to do! We're not moving far, just 15 miles or so away, but we love the area we're moving to. And we're getting...a dog!!

His name is Huck...isn't he just the cutest thing ever?! He's a one year old pocket beagle, and he's already housetrained...and I am ecstatic to get him! He'll be joining us in late August!

Ok, now for the whole reason I got on here...I have a hutch I'm getting ready to redo for our place. I'll post pictures a little later. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm actually working on something, not slacking!

Here's to change and new adventures!