Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The completed quilt

And here are pictures of the completed quilt as promised!

Random Crafitness

I can’t tell you how many blogs I’ve STARTED to write these past two weeks and haven’t gotten around to finishing! So sorry. I’m a slacker!

The niece’s birthday was this past weekend. My sis-in-law loved the quilt! As did many of the other ladies. My niece could have cared less about it, but that’s to be expected for a 1 year old. She was too busy playing with the toys that lit up and made noises to even notice the quilt :) That’s ok. She’ll [hopefully] like it someday. Amanda sent me a picture of it on her crib already. It looks really cute. I got a lot of good feedback on the quilt…which has inspired me to start mine finally! Well, not quite yet. I have to wait for the fabric to come in the mail. I ordered it online. Want to see the swatches? I won’t tell you what pattern I’ve got in mind yet…it’ll be a surprise, but here are the fabrics I chose:

What do you think? Do you like them?? That grey is going to kind of be the background color and the middle purple (Kona Violet) is going to be the backing. It’ll make an appearance in moderation on the front too, but I just loved the color! And then I’ll use a mix of all the fabrics for the binding like I did with my niece’s quilt. I’m pretty excited to get my hands on these beauties!

But BEFORE I start my quilt, I have to be a good girl and get going on my Mother’s Day projects!! My mom LOVES flowers, so I’m getting her a nice hanging basket and making her a collapsible grocery tote (from the One Yard Wonders book) and some coasters. For mom-in-law, I got lucky at the bookstore in Portland and found her an old copy of Anne of Green Gables and another Louisa May Alcott book (can’t remember which one). She collects old books. And then I also plan to make her some fabric napkins because she likes using those over paper napkins. And THEN I can start my quilt :)

I’m super excited for it! Can you tell??

I head to California in 27 days to see my best friend, and we’ve got a trip to San Francisco planned so we can stop at Britex! I’m so excited. I have to start saving my allowance NOW so I can buy amazing fabric and notions. They have the coolest lace and buttons there! I am seriously considering taking an extra suitcase with me…think the hubby would kill me? Probably…but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right? Just kidding. I don’t hide that stuff from him. He knows the plan. We just have to set a spending limit for me before I got. And I’m going to give my debit card to the best friend so I don’t go over budget! We have plans to get crafty too. It’ll be fun. And crazy. And I’ll probably blog all about it!
I’ll post pictures of my finished quilt later tonight. They’re at home on my MacBook. I’m writing this blog from my work computer (I know, bad me, but whatever…it took me all of ten or fifteen minutes to write, and considering I don’t take my two fifteen minute breaks every day, I think it’s justified, right?).

I think there are a lot of run-on sentences in this blog. Sorry about the terrible grammar!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekend Summary

Sorry, I'm a slacker! Again...I haven't posted in a little over a week. I can happily say that I am OFFICIALLY done with Kahla's quilt! I will post a final picture this week sometime before I wrap it. I'm a little under the weather with a nasty sinus infection and can't get myself off the couch at the moment.

This past week was a bit (that's a huge understatement) chaotic with my boss being on vacation, so the last thing I wanted to do after work was come home and get on the computer again. That's my excuse!

This weekend Corey and I went to Portland to do a little shopping and just spend some time together - despite my being sick. I'm feeling now like I probably should have stayed home and rested, but I really didn't want to cancel our plans since I know we won't have the opportunity to reschedule until June. We got home late last night and then had a photo shoot today. Our good friend Kim asked us to be her models for a couples photo shoot. She's trying to get back into photography and needed a little practice...and we don't have any nice pictures since our wedding, so we happily obliged! I'll share some when I get the edited photos. I hope they come out well! She's really talented, so I'm sure she did great.

While we were in Portland, we got over to Powell's and I found a couple of great books. Powell's is this amazing 68,000 square foot bookstore. Yes, it's HUGE. I love it. If you're ever in Portland, you must go! Anyway, so when we were there, I picked up these books:

So far, I'm loving them both and can't wait to make some of the stuff in them! I'll be sure to document my projects :)

That's it. Sorry, a bit of a random post, but my head is literally in a fog. More soon (including pictures of the quilt!). Good night all!