Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Where I've been...

It's been over two months since I've posted! Wow! Where does the time go...

Well, to my credit, I've been a little busy with this:

My little bundle of joy! Those are her newborn photos. She's actually a whole month old now...

Yes, I'm totally baby bragging. She's pretty stinking adorable, in my opinion :). Anyway, she came 4 weeks early (April 7th), so things have just been crazy. I'm starting to get the hang of this mom thing, but she consumes my time. Blogging is on the back burner for now. Loving on her and giving her attention is what's important right now. 

So that's my life. Because she came so early, we weren't exactly prepared and done with the nursery. I'm slowly working on finishing that. I'll get pictures up when I'm done. Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm still alive. I'm just a mom now :)