Thursday, March 3, 2011

Diaper bags

Diaper bags...why is it that the cutest ones are the most expensive?? *sigh* I'm one of those people that doesn't really want my diaper bag to *look* like a diaper bag. Apparently I have expensive taste. I happened to see a woman with a diaper bag at Target (doubt she bought it there, but she had it attached to her stroller) that I fell in love with and wanted. And then I saw it again on a blog. I had no idea what brand it was...I just knew what it looked like. So I googled the general description and was able to find it. Guess what? It's from Nordy's (well, that's where I found it anyway). Which means it costs money. After my family baby shower and getting most all the things we needed, my very sweet hubby told me to go ahead and order it. I used the remaining balance of a Nordstrom giftcard I had from Christmas to help with the cost and ordered away! I promised him I'd use it for all our babies and take good care of it. So without further ado, here she is...

Is she pretty, or what?! And oh, so nice! The outside is made from a wipeable (like vinyl...except it's not) material that's also antibacterial. It comes equipped with a very cushy changing pad that detaches for washing...has a travel-sized wipe case to keep your wipes moist and air-tight. And has a few pockets inside that also are detachable for washing. I am in love with it. Thank you to my hubby!! Can't wait to put it to good use :)