Monday, July 26, 2010

First Client!

I promise to update this sometime this week. I know I've been slacking big time! I just wanted to share a quick piece of exciting news...I got my first paying client!! Yay!! A lovely lady from my church saw my dresser pictures on Facebook and asked me to redo her outdoor bistro set. And she has friends that she's going to pass my info along to as well...yay! I'm so excited! I need to get crackin' on my business cards, logo, business license, etc...eek! So that's what I'll be working on this week. Thanks for reading, and hang in there. I promise to be back soon!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Small hiatus

I apologize for the little hiatus the past week or so. We had a rather busy weekend, and I've been dealing with a nasty case of either food poisoning or an allergic reaction...we have yet to figure out which. At first, we both immediately thought food poisoning, but we realized that we ate all the same things. And Corey isn't sick...with the exception of some yogurt. We both ate the exact same flavor bought from the same place on the same day, but two different yogurt cups. We believe that yogurt to be culprit, so either I got food poisoning from my yogurt while Corey didn't get it from his...or I'm severely allergic to that yogurt. Either way, throwing up literally every half hour to an hour for about two days straight is absolutely no fun. I think I threw up more times in two days than I have in my entire life (I lost count around the 20th time). And my stomach is STILL in knots. I'm going back to work today, but I'll be relying on jello, chicken soup, saltine crackers, and ginger ale to get me through the day. Ugh...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grey dresser reveal!

I am soooo excited to share my before/after with you of this dresser. I am in love with this thing. Seriously. I just stand there and stare at it sometimes. :)

You can see in the "before" that this piece is quite chipped. Someone before me had painted cream on top of white without using primer, so the top cream coat was just chipping off.

If you look closely, you can see that the front part of the top was actually ripped off and then nailed back on. I like the nails because I think it adds something, but I had to use some wood filler in the crack and the corner on the right side. 

The finished (light gray) distressed piece with new knobs!

I just love the way the distressing turned out on this...some of the wood and primer are visible here.

You don't see that right corner here, but the top is clearly MUCH smoother. If look closely, you can still see a couple of the nails coming through (love that!). 

Love this candle from West Elm.

Hydrangeas freshly cut from my garden, and a succulent we lovingly call "Judith" in a teacup shaped cement pot.

 One more view of the top sans the huge crack.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I want it!

I want one. Is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen?? And check out those tiny prints! It's a newer version of the old polaroids. And yes, I had one. My best friend and I (remember, Kay?) took tons of pictures with that thing! Oh how I miss thee... I'm putting this on my Christmas list!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A sneak peek and pretty flowers

My mom cut these for me from her garden, and I couldn't resist sharing...

And a little teaser for you on dresser #2...stay tuned for the full reveal early next week!

Dresser #1 Before&After

I know you've all just been DYING to see this reveal. Hah. One can dream, right? :)

Without further ado...

Sorry, I was lame and forgot to take a "before" picture of it all put together. And I was too lazy to put all the drawers back in. It's a little hard to tell, but it was a cream/ivory color before. I painted it Antique White (Glidden brand from Home Depot). I got the knobs from Anthro...where else would I get them?? ;) Isn't she purdy? I'm in love.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Coming soon!

The dressers are done and the curtains are up! I just need to get the pictures loaded up on my Mac...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

whitney martin

I photographed a friend's lovely apartment this week (you'll have to bear with my novice photography skills). I just love the way she decorates and puts her space together. Check it!