Friday, October 29, 2010

Nursery photo inspiration

I know, I know. I just posted on the pom poms, but when I said I can't stop thinking about how to decorate, I really meant it! I think I'm getting obsessive over here! Here are some photos (baby related or not) that I'm finding inspiration from. I hope they inspire you a little too.

I love the vintage feel with the white walls and dark warm wood. It's so cozy.

LOVE the painted spindle cribs. A spindle crib will be a must for this munckin!

A photo mobile...what an awesome idea! It would be so cool to put baby or child pictures of your grandparents, parents and yourself and spouse on there.

I'm in love with this dresser (both color and style) as well as that rug! Ok, and the rocking chair. Um...I guess I just love it all! Bright and cheery without being overwhelming. LOVE. And it's very gender neutral, which is a plus because it saves you money on baby #2 (or 3 or 4, etc).

Love, love, LOVE this wall art idea! I'm a sewer and quilter, so this just screamed at me. And it's such a great way to add color to dull walls. We're in a rental, and we're stuck with stark white walls. This would be the perfect way to add some visual interest.

This is very girly, but I just love the bunting, twinkly lights, and vintage/eclectic feel. Um...I pretty much love everything from knack.

I know, I've got a bit of a mobile obsession here, but these bamboo cut mobiles from petite collage are to die for! My problem is going to be only picking ONE!

Another adroable mobile from petite collage

Ok, can you see what I love these so much??

I love the vintage and very natural feel of this mobile and I really wanted to incorporate birds or owls into my design...but how do I choose just ONE mobile?! Bah! I'm sunk...

Nursery decorating ideas

I've been daydreaming about decorating the baby's room a lot lately. Unfortunately, I can't really act on any of it until we know the gender...which won't be for another 6 to 7 weeks...which seems like forever, but I know it will come faster than I realize. I've decided that if it's a girl (because I think this just might be too girly for a boy), I'm going to decorate with paper pom poms. Have you seen those? I'm in love with them. My best friend used them in her wedding, and I absolutely loved them. The more I thought about it, the more I decided they would be adorable for a baby girl's room. I'm inspired by these pictures. Don't you just love them?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Big news/changes!

Well, with a title like that, I might as well just come right out and say it - we're having a baby! The reason for my lacking in posts and projects lately have been the queasiness, throwing up, and exhaustion that come with growing a baby. And you're not exactly supposed to inhale paint fumes with a baby in your belly. So painting projects are on hold until May or so (due date is April 30th!). I have a BUNCH of sewing projects for the nursery lined up, but alas, my sewing machine is on the fritz and waiting to be serviced at the sewing shop. I'll be posting my ideas/plans soon. I just don't want to get myself too excited before I can actually do anything.

So there you have it. The reason for my silence. Now I'm just anxious to find out what this little munchkin is! We have to wait another 8 weeks for that though... :( Sigh. It'll go quickly, I hope.