Saturday, July 30, 2011

grocery list

have you seen these great grocery list notepads from knock knock stuff?

I had one for a while a loved it. I ran out yesterday though and didn't feel like paying another $8 for it plus $9 in shipping...$17 for a grocery list? No thanks. I made my own!

Couldn't decide if I liked the white title or charcoal title better, so I made both :)...I obviously can't take credit for the design idea because I completely copied it from knock knock stuff. But I didn't want to pay that much. Plus, I like mine better anyway. I also personalized the items on my list a bit. I removed some things they had on theirs that I don't use or buy and added things I buy regularly that weren't on the list. I also added a "baby" section. I know it looks off-center on the seafoam background. It's not actually that way when I print it. My printer is fickle, so I have to do odd things (like make stuff off-center) for it to look right when it prints. Don't ask me why or how...


  1. I love your version! How did you make it?

  2. Thank you so much for making this! Love it!
